Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

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Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

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Mittwoch, 27. November 2013

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Dienstag, 26. November 2013

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Sonntag, 10. November 2013

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Dienstag, 6. August 2013

Incentives to Support Adoption of the Cybersecurity Framework | The White House

The systems that run our nation’s critical infrastructure such as the electric grid, our drinking water, our trains, and other transportation are increasingly networked. As with any networked system, these systems are potentially vulnerable to a wide range of threats, and protecting this critical infrastructure from cyber threats is among our highest security priorities. That is why, earlier this year, the President signed an Executive Order designed to increase the level of core capabilities for our critical infrastructure to manage cyber risk. The Order does this by focusing on three key areas: information sharing, privacy, and adoption of cybersecurity practices.

To promote cybersecurity practices and develop these core capabilities, we are working with critical infrastructure owners and operators to create a Cybersecurity Framework – a set of core practices to develop capabilities to manage cybersecurity risk. These are the known practices that many firms already do, in part or across the enterprise and across a wide range of sectors. The draft Framework will be complete in October. After a final Framework is released in February 2014, we will create a Voluntary Program to help encourage critical infrastructure companies to adopt the Framework. 

While this effort is underway, work on how to incentivize companies to join a Program is also under consideration. While the set of core practices have been known for years, barriers to adoption exist, such as the challenge of clearly identifying the benefits of making certain cybersecurity investments. As directed in the EO, the Departments of Homeland Security, Commerce, and Treasury have identified potential incentives and provided their recommendations to the President, through the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and the Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs.

Over the next few months, agencies will examine these options in detail to determine which ones to adopt and how, based substantially on input from critical infrastructure stakeholders. We believe that sharing the findings and our plans for continued work will promote transparency and sustain a public conversation about the recommendations. Publishing these agency reports is therefore an interim step and does not indicate the Administration’s final policy position on the recommend actions. 

The recommendations were developed in a relatively short time frame and with the understanding that the Cybersecurity Framework and Voluntary Program are still under development. Yet, they incorporate significant feedback from many of our stakeholders, including the critical infrastructure community, through the DHS-led existing public-private partnerships with critical infrastructure, and a Notice of Inquiry issued by the Commerce Department. Although each agency prepared separate reports, these reports are complementary. Taken as a whole, the reports point to eight areas where the agencies recommend action to establish incentives to support voluntary adoption of the Cybersecurity Framework. 

Some of the recommended incentives can be put in place quickly under existing authorities after the Voluntary Program is established. Others would require legislative action and additional maturation of the Cybersecurity Framework and Voluntary Program, along with further analysis and dialogue between the Administration, Congress, and private sector stakeholders. We are currently working with the appropriate agencies to prioritize each incentive area and move forward. 
These areas include:
  • Cybersecurity Insurance — Agencies suggested that the insurance industry be engaged when developing the standards, procedures, and other measures that comprise the Framework and the Program. The goal of this collaboration would be to build underwriting practices that promote the adoption of cyber risk-reducing measures and risk-based pricing and foster a competitive cyber insurance market. The Commerce Department’s National Institute of Standards and Technology is taking steps to engage the insurance industry in further discussion on the Framework. This process should continue as the Framework is developed and the Voluntary Program is created.
  • Grants — Agencies suggested leveraging federal grant programs. Agencies suggest incentivizing the adoption of the Framework and participation in the Voluntary Program as a condition or as one of the weighted criteria for federal critical infrastructure grants. Over the next six months, agencies will develop such criteria for consideration.
  • Process Preference — Agencies offered suggestions on a range of government programs in which participating in the Voluntary Program could be a consideration in expediting existing government service delivery. For example, the government sometimes provides technical assistance to critical infrastructure. Outside of incident response situations, the government could use Framework adoption and participation in the Voluntary Program as secondary criteria for prioritizing who receives that technical assistance. The primary criteria for technical assistance would always remain the criticality of the infrastructure, but for non-emergency situations, technical assistance could be seen as an additional benefit that could help to drive adoption. Agencies currently have the authority to act in these areas without further legislation. As we work with the private sector over the next six months to develop the Voluntary Program, we will simultaneously identify and examine specific programs where this approach could be helpful
  • Liability Limitation — Agencies pointed to a range of areas where more information is necessary to determine if legislation to reduce liability on Program participants may appropriately encourage a broader range of critical infrastructure companies to implement the Framework. These areas include reduced tort liability, limited indemnity, lower burdens of proof, or the creation of a Federal legal privilege that preempts State disclosure requirements. As the Framework is developed, agencies will continue to gather information about the specific areas identified in the reports related to liability limitation.
  • Streamline Regulations — Agencies will continue to ensure that the Framework and the Voluntary Program interact in an effective manner with existing regulatory structures. As the Framework and Voluntary Program are developed, agencies will recommend other areas that could help make compliance easier, for example: eliminating overlaps among existing laws and regulation, enabling equivalent adoption across regulatory structures, and reducing audit burdens.
  • Public Recognition — Agencies suggested further exploration on whether optional public recognition for participants in the Program and their vendors would be an effective means to incentivize participation. DHS will work with the critical infrastructure community to consider areas for optional public recognition as they work together to develop the Voluntary Program.
  • Rate Recovery for Price Regulated Industries — Agencies recommended further dialogue with federal, state, and local regulators and sector specific agencies on whether the regulatory agencies that set utility rates should consider allowing utilities recovery for cybersecurity investments related to complying with the Framework and participation in the Program. 
  • Cybersecurity Research — Once the Framework is complete, agencies recommended identifying areas where commercial solutions are available to implement the Framework and gaps where those solutions do not yet exist. The government can then emphasize research and development to meet the most pressing cybersecurity challenges where commercial solutions are not currently available.
While these reports do not yet represent a final Administration policy, they do offer an initial examination of how the critical infrastructure community could be incentivized to adopt the Cybersecurity Framework as envisioned in the Executive Order. We will be making more information on these efforts available as the Framework and Program are completed.

Michael Daniel is Special Assistant to the President and the Cybersecurity Coordinator.
Related Topics: Cybersecurity, Foreign Policy

Sonntag, 23. Juni 2013

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Montag, 17. Juni 2013

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Obama besucht Berlin: Termine, Sicherheit, Absperrungen -

Obama besucht Berlin 2008
Obama in Berlin 2008 © dpa

US-Präsident Barack Obama kommt am Dienstag, den 18. Juni 2013, zu einem Arbeitsbesuch nach Berlin. Begleitet wird er dabei von seinen engsten Mitarbeitern sowie seiner Frau Michelle und auch seinen beiden Töchtern Malia und Sasha. 

Am Mittwoch, den 19. Juni, ist ein umfangreiches Programm geplant, die Abreise des US-Präsidenten wird voraussichtlich am Mittwochabend erfolgen.

Obama besucht Berlin

Alle Infos zum Obama-Besuch

Informationen, aktuelle Meldungen und mehr zum Besuch von US-Präsident Barack Obama in Berlin. mehr »
Obama besucht Berlin 2008

Obama in Berlin: Termine und Programm

Arbeitstreffen, Rede am Brandenburger Tor, Abendessen im Schloss: Welche Termine für US-Präsident Obama und seine Frau Michelle während des Berlinbesuchs geplant sind. mehr »
Sicherheitsbereich Brandenburger Tor

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Sicherheitsstufe 1+ für den US-Präsidenten: Welche Straßen und Plätze für den Obama-Besuch gesperrt werden, woran sich Anwohner in Tegel und Mitte halten müssen. mehr »
Brandenburger Tor

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Barack Obama bei seinem Berlin-Besuch live sehen oder sogar seine Hand schütteln- das wird wohl nichts. Auf was sich Touristen stattdessen einstellen müssen. mehr »
Quelle: BerlinOnline/dpa/Berliner Polizei/
Aktualisierung: Montag, 17. Juni 2013 16:34 Uhr

(Bilder: dpa; Berliner Polizei; Messe Berlin GmbH; facebook; Google Inc.; Twitter; Klicker/

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Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013

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MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe auch 2013 wieder „Beliebtester Versicherer Deutschlands“

München, 12. Juni 2013Im zweiten Jahr in Folge erzielt die MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe erneut Platz 1 in der Kundenbefragung „Beliebtester Versicherer 2013“ des Nachrichtensenders n-tv zusammen mit dem Deutschen Institut für Servicequalität (DISQ)

Als einziger Versicherer erreichte das Münchner Unternehmen „sehr gut“ im Gesamturteil Kundenzufriedenheit und konnte auch mit Platz 1 in der Teilkategorie „Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis“ 2013 wieder voll überzeugen. „Für uns ist die Wiederholung von Platz 1 eine Bestätigung unserer langfristigen strategischen Ausrichtung auf kundenfreundliche Prozesse und leistungsstarke Produkte“, so Dr. Rainer Reitzler, Vorstandsvorsitzender der MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe.

Seit insgesamt vier Jahren kontinuierlich in der Spitzengruppe - zweimal Platz 1 in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 und jeweils Platz 2 in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 - zeigt der mittelständische Versicherer in dieser bundesweiten Onlinebefragung seine Qualität und eine seit Jahren hohe Kundenzufriedenheit.

„Wir sind sehr stolz auf diese Leistung, die tagtäglich von unseren vielen serviceorientierten Innen- wie Außendienstmitarbeiterinnen und -mitarbeitern erbracht wird und denen ich im Namen des Unternehmens besonders für ihr Engagement danke“, so Dr. Rainer Reitzler.

In der Online-Befragung zum "Beliebtesten Versicherer 2013" von n-tv und DISQ wurden 27 Versicherungsunternehmen zu Produktqualität, Transparenz und Verständlichkeit der Versicherungsprodukte, Service und Schadensregulierung bewertet. Dafür flossen 6.806 Kundenmeinungen in die Bewertung ein.

Erfolgreich war der MÜNCHENER VEREIN ebenso in der kürzlich von n-tv zusammen mit dem Deutschen Institut für Servicequalität durchgeführten Studie „Bester Krankenversicherer 2013“ mit einem Top 3-Ergebnis – übrigens zum vierten Mal in Folge.

Weitere Informationen zur aktuellen Kundenbefragung „Beliebtester Versicherer“ finden Sie unter

Mehr dazu auch in der n-tv Sendung Ratgeber – Test am Donnerstag, 13. Juni ab 18.30 Uhr.

Informationen zur MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe

Der Ursprung der Versicherungsgruppe wurzelt in der genossenschaftlichen Idee, eine wirtschaftliche Selbsthilfeeinrichtung für das Handwerk und Gewerbe zu schaffen. Den Anfang machte die Gründung der MÜNCHENER VEREIN Krankenversicherung a.G. als Versicherungsanstalt des Bayerischen Gewerbebundes 1922. Heute ist der Versicherer mit Sitz in München nach wie vor ein Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit und ein leistungsstarker Allbranchenversicherer mit den Sparten Krankenversicherung, Lebensversicherung und Allgemeine Versicherung.

Weitere Informationen unter

Kundenbefragung Versicherer (10.06.2013)

Kundenbefragung Versicherer (10.06.2013)

Samstag, 20. April 2013

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Freitag, 19. April 2013

US Terrorism Risk Insurance Program

Resource Center

Terrorism Risk Insurance Program

On December 26, 2007, the President signed into law the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007 which extends the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act through December 31, 2014. 

The law extends the temporary federal Program that provides for a transparent system of shared public and private compensation for insured losses resulting from acts of terrorism. 

The US Treasury Department implements the Program. 

This site will provide updated information on the Program, including announcements of all rulemakings, interpretive guidance, and requests for public comments. 

On November 26, 2002, the President signed into law the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107–297, 116 Stat. 2322) (TRIA ). 

The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) on June 29, 2004, issued a final Claims Procedures Rule, effective July 31, 2004, as part of its implementation of title I of TRIA; 69 FR 39296. TRIA also contains specific provisions designed to manage litigation arising out of, or resulting from, a certified act of terrorism. On July 28, 2004, Treasury issued a final rule concerning litigation management, 69 FR 44932.

TRIA, the Claims Procedures Rule, the Litigation Management Rule and related rules found in 31 C.F.R. Part 50 contain certain definitions, requirements, and procedures for insurers filing claims with Treasury for payment of the Federal share of compensation for insured losses under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP). 

The Claims Procedures Rule, in particular, specifically addresses requirements for Federal payment, the submission of an initial notice of insured loss, loss certifications, the timing and process for payment, associated recordkeeping requirements, as well as Treasury’s audit and investigation authority. These procedures will apply to all insurers that wish to receive their payment of the Federal share of compensation for insured losses under TRIA. 

Insurers are advised to review the legislation and TRIP regulations before submitting information.

Additional materials addressing the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 and TRIP, including Treasury issued interpretive letters, are contained on this website. Also, a “browsable” version of all of Treasury’s TRIP related regulations can be accessed through the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.

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Freitag, 5. April 2013

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Seoul South Korea : A Security Message for U.S. Citizens

The U.S. Embassy Seoul informs U.S. citizens that despite current political tensions with North Korea there is no specific information to suggest there are imminent threats to U.S. citizens or facilities in the Republic of Korea (ROK). 

The Embassy has not changed its security posture and we have not recommended that U.S. citizens who reside in, or plan to visit, the Republic of Korea take special security precautions at this time. 

The U.S. Embassy takes as its highest priority the welfare of American citizens in Korea. 

Should the security situation change, the Embassy will issue updated information.

We urge U.S. citizens to keep in regular contact with family and friends. U.S. citizens living or traveling abroad are encouraged to enroll in the Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), to receive the latest travel updates and information and to obtain updated information on travel and security issues.

We encourage you to read the Emergency Preparedness Section of the Embassy website. 

You can also get global updates at the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Consular Affairs website where you can find the current Worldwide Caution, Travel Warning, Travel Alert, and Country Specific Information. 

Follow us on Twitter and the ACS Seoul page on Facebook as well, or you can download our free Smart Traveler App, available through iTunes and the Android marketplace to have travel information at your fingertips. U.S. citizens without Internet access may register directly with the appropriate U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

By registering, U.S. citizens makeit easier for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency.

Travel information is also available at

Up-to-date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada 


for callers outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. 

These numbers are available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday through Friday, Eastern Time (except U.S. federal holidays).

For information on "What the Department of State Can and Can't Do in a Crisis," please visit the Bureau of Consular Affairs' website at 

For further information on specific countries, U.S. citizens should consult the Country Specific Information pages, Travel Alerts, and Travel Warnings at  

as well as the Worldwide Caution. 

Follow us on Twitter and the Bureau of Consular Affairs' page on Facebook as well. 

Travel - State Dept on Twitter:

U.S. Department of State: Consular Affairs on Facebook

U.S. Embassy Seoul on Twitter:

U.S. Embassy Seoul on Facebook

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Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

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Affordable Care Act at 3: Looking Forward and Expanding Access |

By Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services
Posted March 22, 2013 
Three years ago, the Affordable Care Act ushered in a new day for health care.

Since then, more than 6.3 million seniors and people with disabilities with Medicare have saved more than $6.1 billion dollars on prescription drugs.  Nearly 71 million Americans got expanded access to preventive service at no charge through their private insurance plans, and 47 million women now have guaranteed access to additional preventive services without cost sharing. More than 3.1 million young adults who were uninsured were able to gain coverage by being able to stay on their parents’ insurance policies until they turned 26.  And parents no longer have to worry about insurers denying coverage to their children because of a pre-existing condition.

Americans are getting more value for their health care dollars due to the health care law. Affordable Care Act initiatives are promoting coordinated care; paying for quality, not quantity; and dramatically reducing fraud and waste, contributing to the slowest growth in national health spending in 50 years. 

Consumers also saved $2 billion in 2012, because of programs to review premium rates and to require insurers to provide rebates if they do not spend at least 80% of premiums on care, rather than overhead, such as executive pay and marketing.  And the law’s initiatives have extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by eight years.

But that’s only the beginning. Thanks to the health care law, starting October 1, 2013, qualified individuals will have access to quality health insurance through the new Health Insurance Marketplace.

With the Marketplace, there’ll be a whole new way to find health insurance that fits consumers’ needs and budgets, with less hassle. Individuals, families, and small business owners in every state and the District of Columbia will be able to shop in the Marketplace for private insurance coverage that begins in January 2014.  

For the first time, you’ll be able to go to one place to learn about health insurance; get accurate information on different plans; and make apples-to-apples comparisons of private insurance plans—including costs and benefits.  You’ll get a clear picture of what you’re paying and what you’re getting before you make a choice. You’ll also be able to learn, with a single application, if you qualify for a free or low-cost plan, or a new kind of tax credit that lowers your monthly premiums right away.

Video rein 


Health Insurance Marketplace |

Health Insurance Marketplace | 


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Montag, 25. Februar 2013

Germany : Country Studies - Federal Research Division, Library of Congress

Germany : Country Studies - Federal Research Division, Library of Congress

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