Montag, 28. Februar 2011

President Obama and Vice President Biden Address National Governors Asso...

Empowering States to Innovate | The White House

Empowering States to Innovate

As a former Governor, state legislator, and insurance commissioner, I know the ingenuity of state leaders to shape policies that fit the individual characteristics of their people, their industries, and their economies. The Affordable Care Act, signed by President Obama almost a year ago, provides states with the flexibility, resources and tools they need to improve the health of their residents, reduce the growth of health care costs, and invest in the prevention strategies that will make our nation healthier and more productive. Many of the ideas contained in the Act were modeled on reforms initiated by states like my home state of Kansas. And you can read a report on the resources and flexibility available to states here.
Today, President Obama announced his support for another crucial step in empowering states to lead – the bipartisan “Empowering States to Innovate Act,” sponsored by Senators Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts), and Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana). The President said:
"This recognition – that states need flexibility to tailor their approach to their unique needs – is why part of the law says that, beginning in 2017, if you can come up with a better system for your state to provide coverage of the same quality and affordability as the Affordable Care Act, you can take that route instead…
A few weeks ago, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown, a Republican, and Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, they proposed legislation that would accelerate that provision, so it would allow states to apply for such a waiver by 2014 instead of 2017. I think that’s a very reasonable proposal. I support it. It will give you flexibility more quickly, while still guaranteeing the American people reform. If your state can create a plan that covers as many people as affordably and comprehensively as the Affordable Care Act does – without increasing the deficit – you can implement that plan, and we’ll work with you to do it. I’ve said before, I don’t believe that either party holds a monopoly on good ideas. And I will go to bat for whatever works, no matter who or where it comes from."
In the last ten months, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has already made $2.8 billion available to states to help them begin to reform the disjointed and often dysfunctional health care systems serving their populations. Those funds allow state leaders to invest in improvements even at a time of record state deficits. These investments have begun to bear fruit with tougher oversight of insurance premium increases, new rights and protections for consumers, more choices for people living with medical conditions like cancer, and the elimination of many of the worst insurance industry practices.
Every state has begun working on implementing the key provisions of the Affordable Care Act, from enforcing the ban on lifetime coverage limits to running the new high-risk pool program. This includes the development of state-based health insurance Exchanges, a new, competitive marketplace that would allow health insurance plans to compete for customers based on the quality of their products and the competitiveness of their prices. Governors of both political parties have shown true leadership in applying the expertise of their states in devising approaches that best fit their own market conditions.
The proposal President Obama discussed today would allow states that choose to do so to develop health reform models for their states as soon as 2014 so long as they meet certain criteria, including certifying that their proposals would cover at least as many of their residents as the policies in the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act will let states make these type of reforms starting in 2017; the legislation endorsed today by the President accelerates that schedule to 2014, the same year that the Exchanges and other key reforms take effect.
Under this legislation, governors will be able to apply for State Innovation Waivers to implement reforms that:
  • Provide coverage that is at least as comprehensive as the coverage offered through the Exchanges – a new competitive, private health insurance marketplace.
  • Make coverage at least as affordable as it would have been through the Exchanges.
  • Provide coverage to at least as many residents as the Affordable Care Act would have provided.
  • Do not increase the Federal deficit.
State reforms could take many forms. Among the models states could adopt are:
  • Linking tax credits for small businesses with tax credits for low-income families;
  • Automatically enrolling people in health plans;
  • Alternative health plan options to increase competition and provide consumers with additional choices;
  • A broader choice of benefit packages to provide more choices for individuals and small businesses; and
  • Allowing large businesses to purchase health insurance through the Exchanges.
The law also allows states to submit a single application that includes Medicaid waiver requests which could, for example, seek to give people eligible for Medicaid the choice of enrolling in Exchange health plans.
Those models represent innovations that have been advanced by Democrats and Republicans in states and here in Washington. And these models give residents of these states at least as much assistance and protection as the provisions of the Affordable Care Act.
And no matter where you live or what innovations your state pursues, all Americans will be protected from the worst insurance company abuses. The law includes important protections already in place to make sure insurance companies:
  • Don’t impose lifetime limits on the dollar amount they will spend on health benefits or drop your coverage just because you get sick;
  • Offer young adults without access to job-based coverage the option of remaining on their parent’s plan until their 26th birthday;
  • Cover all recommended preventive services without cost sharing;
  • Allow patients to choose their own doctor in their network; and
  • Spend at least 80 percent of premium dollars on health care, rather than executive salaries and administrative costs.
By maintaining these important basic protections for all Americans – no matter which state is their home – we will combine the benefits of a national movement to improve health and health care with the local innovations that have always made our nation great. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the states to make these reforms work for the American people.
Kathleen Sebelius is Secretary of Health and Human Services.
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BMELV - Finanzen und Versicherungen - Die Qualitätsoffensive Verbraucherfinanzen des BMELV

BMELV - Finanzen und Versicherungen - Die Qualitätsoffensive Verbraucherfinanzen des BMELV

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

Clinton: How the Internet Can Save the World

Watch Live: US-President Obama Honors Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients | The White House

Today, US-President Obama will honor fifteen recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony at the White House.

As the US-President said, “These outstanding honorees come from a broad range of backgrounds and they’ve excelled in a broad range of fields, but all of them have lived extraordinary lives that have inspired us, enriched our culture, and made our country and our world a better place. I look forward to awarding them this honor.”

The Nation’s highest civilian honor, the 2010 Medal of Freedom is presented to individuals who have made especially meritorious contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

Watch the 2010 Medal of Freedom Ceremony live at 1:30 p.m. EST on  

The following individuals will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom at today's ceremony (read their full bios

  • President George H. W. Bush
    George Herbert Walker Bush was the 41st President of the United States. 

  • Chancellor Angela Merkel
    Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. 

  • Congressman John Lewis
    John Lewis is an American hero and a giant of the Civil Rights Movement.

  • John H. Adams
    John H. Adams co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council in 1970. 

  • Maya Angelou
    Dr. Maya Angelou is a prominent and celebrated author, poet, educator, producer, actress, filmmaker, and civil rights activist, who is currently the Reynolds Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University. 
  • Warren Buffett
    Warren Buffett is an American investor, industrialist, and philanthropist. He is one of the most successful investors in the world.
  • Jasper Johns
    American artist Jasper Johns has produced a distinguished body of work dealing with themes of perception and identity since the mid-1950s.
  • Gerda Weissmann Klein
    Gerda Weissmann Klein is a Jewish Holocaust survivor who has written several books about her experiences.
  • Dr. Tom Little (Posthumous)
    Dr. Tom Little was an optometrist who was brutally murdered on August 6, 2010, by the Taliban in the Kuran Wa Munjan district of Badakhshan, Afghanistan, along with nine other members of a team returning from a humanitarian mission to provide vision care in the remote Parun valley of Nuristan.
  • Yo-Yo Ma
    Yo-Yo Ma is considered the world’s greatest living cellist, recognized as a prodigy since the age of five whose celebrity transcends the world of classical music.
  • Sylvia Mendez
    Sylvia Mendez is a civil rights activist of Mexican and Puerto Rican descent.
  • Stan Musial
    Stan “The Man” Musial is a baseball legend and Hall of Fame first baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals. Musial played 22 seasons for the Cardinals from 1941 to 1963. 

  • Bill Russell
    Bill Russell is the former Boston Celtics’ Captain who almost single-handedly redefined the game of basketball.
  • Jean Kennedy Smith
    In 1974, Jean Kennedy Smith founded VSA, a non-profit organization affiliated with the John F. Kennedy Center that promotes the artistic talents of children, youth and adults with disabilities. 

  • John J. Sweeney
    John J. Sweeney is the current President Emeritus of the AFL-CIO, and served as President of the AFL-CIO from 1995 to 2009. 



Umfrage: Für jüngere Kunden spielt das Internet eine größere Rolle

Aktuelle Studie „Junge Kunden als Zielgruppe in der Assekuranz": Für jüngere Kunden spielt das Internet eine größere Rolle

Köln, 15. Februar 2011. Das persönliche Gespräch mit Bekannten oder Verwandten bzw. mit Vertretern und Beratern spielt auch in der jungen Generation eine dominante Rolle beim Abschluss von Versicherungen. 

Beachtenswert ist aber auch die Bedeutung des Internets: Der Anteil der in den letzten zwölf Monaten auf diesem Wege abgeschlossenen Versicherungsverträge bei jungen Versicherungskunden liegt mit zehn Prozent höher als bei den älteren (7%). 

Gleichwohl bleiben unmittelbar erlebte persönliche Kompetenz und Vertrauen - neben attraktiven Produktangeboten – auch für junge Kunden das wichtigste Entscheidungskriterium in Versicherungsfragen.

Dies zeigt die aktuelle Studie „Junge Kunden als Zielgruppe in der Assekuranz" des Marktforschungs- und Beratungsinstituts YouGovPsychonomics AG. 

Über 1.800 junge Versicherungskunden zwischen 20 und 35 Jahren wurden auf Basis repräsentativer Daten des „Kundenmonitor Assekuranz" mit der Altersgruppe der 36-65-Jährigen verglichen. 

Die Daten belegen unter anderem, dass das Internet inzwischen eine alltägliche Annährungsform auch an Themen wie beispielsweise den Versicherungsabschluss geworden ist.

Junge Versicherungskunden aufgeschlossen und Orientierung suchend

Freilich zeigen sich zwischen jüngeren und älteren Versicherungskunden auch eine ganze Reihe von Unterschieden, die es in der Kommunikation und im Vertrieb der Assekuranz zu beachten gilt.

Vor allem preissensibler, wechselfreudiger und weniger klassisch vertreterorientiert präsentieren sich junge Versicherungskunden. Zudem befinden sie sich in Versicherungsfragen in einer intensiven Orientierungsphase. 

Dabei spielen neben professioneller wie informeller persönlicher Beratung auch unabhängige Testurteile und Ratings zu einzelnen Versicherungsprodukten eine stärkere Rolle als für ältere Kunden. 

So gibt jeder fünfte Versicherungskunde (20%) im Alter zwischen 20 und 35 Jahren an, bei der Entscheidung für ein bestimmtes Versicherungsprodukt unmittelbar von solchen „neutralen" Qualitätsurteilen beeinflusst worden zu sein, bei den älteren sind dies lediglich 13 Prozent. 

Einzelne Gütesiegel, wie etwa von „Ökotest", „Finanztest" oder „Focus Money" finden bei den jungen ebenfalls höhere Aufmerksamkeit.

Darüber hinaus sind Direktmarketingmaßnahmen ein Mittel, mit dem junge Kunden durchaus erfolgreich erreicht werden können: Briefe des eigenen Versicherers führen bei jungen Kunden häufiger als bei älteren zu aktiver Kontaktaufnahme oder zu einem Beratungsgespräch mit dem Versicherer; bei E-Mailings ist dieser Effekt sogar noch stärker. 

Ebenso wie die älteren Kunden bevorzugen die jüngeren hierbei eine persönliche Adressierung und zuvor vereinbarte Kontakte deutlich gegenüber anonymen Massenaussendungen oder aufdringlichen Telefonanrufen.

Die zentrale und letztlich abschlussrelevante Orientierung beim Versicherungsabschluss gibt am Ende zumeist der unmittelbare persönliche Austausch. Dabei bevorzugen junge Kunden im direkten Kontakt mit Anbietern und Vermittlern im Vergleich zu den älteren häufiger das „auswärtige" Gespräch in Agenturen oder Geschäftsstellen gegenüber dem im „heimischen" Wohnzimmer.

„Der frühzeitige Aufbau stabiler Kundenbeziehungen zu jungen Versicherungskunden erhöht die Chancen für das spätere Cross-Selling. deutlich. Attraktive Einstiegsprodukte, respektvolle persönliche Ansprache und ein ganzheitlicher, nicht rein verkaufsorientierter Beratungsansatz sind dabei von zentraler Bedeutung", sagt Michael Kerper, Studienleiterr bei der YouGovPsychonomics AG.

Die komplette 230-seitige Studie „Junge Kunden als Zielgruppe in der Assekuranz" mit umfangreichen Detailergebnissen zu den Themen Versicherungsverhalten, Versicherungsausstattung, Neuabschluss- und Wechselabsichten, Vertriebswegeakzeptanz und weiteren Themen kann über die YouGovPsychonomics AG bezogen werden.

Weitere Informationen zur Studie finden Sie unter

Kontakt zur Studienleitung:

YouGovPsychonomics AG / Dr. Michael Kerper / Tel.: +49 0221 / 42061 - 365 / E-Mail:

YouGovPsychonomics - Experten der Finanzmarktforschung seit 1991:

Die YouGovPsychonomics AG ist ein international tätiges Marktforschungsinstitut und seit 1991 ausgewiesener Spezialist für die Erforschung der Finanzdienstleistungs- und Versicherungsmärkte. Zahlreiche Unternehmen vertrauen seit vielen Jahren auf unsere Leistungen und unsere Erfahrung. Wir beschäftigen über 100 hochqualifizierte Forscher und Berater.

YouGovPsychonomics liefert die relevanten Informationen rund um Marken, Produkte, Zielgruppen und Servicequalität und damit hochwertiges Entscheidungswissen für die Strategieentwicklung und die Optimierung von Marketing und Vertrieb. Individuelle Ad-Hoc-Studien werden ergänzt durch zahlreiche, zum Teil langjährige Monitorings im Privat- und Gewerbekundenmarkt, Image- und Werbetrackings, Vertriebspartner-befragungen und kontinuierliche Studien zu Produktinnovationen.

Wir verzahnen unsere fundierten wirtschaftspsychologischen Analysen zudem mit onlinebasiertem Realtime Research für tägliche Informationen „in Echtzeit".

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Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

Allianz - Um mehr als nur die Ehre

Allianz - Um mehr als nur die Ehre

Academy commandant to be next SMA

Command Sgt. Maj. Raymond F. Chandler III

Photo credit U.S. Army

Feb 7, 2011

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Feb. 7, 2011) -- Army senior leadership announced today that Command Sgt. Maj. Raymond F. Chandler III will serve as the 14th sergeant major of the Army.

Chandler currently serves as the 19th commandant of the Army Sergeants Major Academy at Fort Bliss, Texas. He enlisted in the Army in 1981 as a 19E armor crewman. He will replace Sgt. Maj. of the Army Kenneth O. Preston as the Army's senior enlisted advisor and spokesman of the enlisted corps.

Chandler will be sworn into the new position March 1 in a ceremony at the Pentagon.

"We have the utmost confidence in Command Sgt. Maj. Chandler and look forward to having him join our leadership team," said Secretary of the Army John McHugh. "He has the right qualities and credentials to assume this vitally important duty that Sgt. Maj. of the Army Preston has skillfully and adeptly performed for the last seven years."

During his nearly 30-year career, Chandler has served in tank crewman positions and has had multiple tours as a troop, squadron and regimental master gunner.

"It's huge shoes that I have to fill, following Sergeant Major of the Army Preston," Chandler said. "But I am humbled and excited about the opportunity. And we'll see what the future holds, and what Soldiers and families tell me we need to look at -- and I'll work that with Army leadership to try and make those changes that that best support them."

Chandler said he knows some of the challenges he'll help the Army face while serving as SMA are the same the Army is working on now: maintaining the force, reconstituting the force, and building resiliency in the force.

"We have got to maintain the combat-seasoned force that we have been so successful at sustaining over the past nine years," Chandler said. "We have an Army that is unparalleled in its lethality and its willingness and ability to conduct operations around the world. So I think that is the first thing, to maintain the combat-seasoned force."

Chandler also said he knows it's important for Soldiers to have more dwell time with their families.

"This has been a very difficult and long war the Army has been in, and we have some work to do to help it reconstitute as we build dwell time over the next couple of years," he said.

The new SMA is also impressed with efforts the Army is making at building resiliency into the force -- in particular with the Comprehensive Solider Fitness program.

"Programs like CSF and the new Master Resilience Training that we are developing for the Army and producing for the Army, along with the Army Family Covenant, is going to help us build a more resilient force for the long term," he said. "We are in a period of persistent conflict and this is not going to go away anytime soon -- so we have got to build a more resilient force that can see us through the challenging times."

Chandler also said he's fortunate to have participated in developing at the Sergeants Major Academy some of the concepts driving noncommissioned officer development today -- including the advancement of structured self development.

"One of the things I've been fortunate to partake in while here at the Sergeants Major Academy is to really understand SMA Preston's vision for the NCO Corps," Chandler said. "Structured Self Development ... (was) built here at the Sergeants Major Academy, and I have been intimately familiar with that process and where we are trying to go. From my perspective, I will continue to sustain and move forward those initiatives that have started with SMA Preston."

While Chandler said he's familiar with some of what he'll be working on as the next sergeant major of the Army, he also said that he is not brining his own agenda to the job -- and that he serves at the discretion of the chief of staff.

"I have no priorities at this point, except to provide predictability for Soldiers and their families," Chandler said. "I do not come into this position with some set agenda or group of things that I personally want to fix or look into. I serve at the whim of the CSA and he is going to tell me what he wants me to focus on, and from there I move forward."

Chandler will likely serve the bulk of his time as sergeant major of the Army alongside Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, currently the commander of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. Dempsey was nominated to be the next chief of staff of the Army.

Chandler and Dempsey share a working relationship today -- Chandler's position as commandant of the USASMA falls under Dempsey's TRADOC. The two have also worked together as part of the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment. There, Dempsey was Chandler's regimental commander, while Chandler served as a first sergeant in the regiment.

Chandler was chosen as the next sergeant major of the Army by Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr. That selection is something Chandler said he never considered during his career.

"I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever even be in a position to be considered for the SMA," Chandler said. "So, I never dreamed about being SMA, or thought about it. For me, I was a squadron command sergeant major in combat. And that is what I aspired to do. Since that time I have had a series of other assignments that have challenged me and helped me to grow as an NCO and as a person."

When serving as sergeant major of the Army, Chandler will spend time on Capitol Hill, discussing Army needs and concerns before both the Senate and the House. He will also likely meet with the President of the United States, and will spend much time traveling alone and with the chief of staff of the Army to visit Soldiers and their families throughout the Army.

Chandler said the new role for him will not distract him from what he is at his core.

"I am a Soldier -- and I happen to be a sergeant major," Chandler said. "But that doesn't change the fact that I came from the same rank and the same position that those young privates and sergeants and first sergeants are in today. And that's the tie that binds us together -- those shared experiences. There is a responsibility to represent the Army at various events and engagements. But at the end of the day, my place is with the Soldiers and their families in the Army and that's where I intend to be."

2/7/11: White House Press Briefing

Advise the Advisor | The White House

Advise the Advisor | The White House

The Committee to Protect Journalists Comment on Mubarak's Media Crackdown

President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Advise the Advisor: Your Direct Line to the White House

Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

New START Treaty Enters Into Force

Versicherungen: Neue Risiken im Alter | Echo Online - Nachrichten aus Südhessen

Versicherungen: Neue Risiken im Alter | Echo Online - Nachrichten aus Südhessen

Altersvorsorge: Das eigene Haus in üppige Rente umwandeln - Nachrichten Geld - Altersvorsorge - WELT ONLINE

Altersvorsorge: Das eigene Haus in üppige Rente umwandeln - Nachrichten Geld - Altersvorsorge - WELT ONLINE

On Ronald Reagan Anniversary, Remembering Landmark Words at Berlin Wall

Visiting the Berlin Wall Enlarge image US president Ronald Reagan (C), German chancellor Helmut Kohl (L) and Berlin lord mayor Eberhard Diepgen (R) visit the Berlin Wall in West Berlin, Germany, 12 June 1987. (© picture alliance / dpa) 

Ronald Reagan would have turned 100 years old on February 6, 2011. The former Governor of California and actor turned president, called the “Great Communicator” and the “Gipper,” left an indelible mark, in multifarious ways, on American politics and culture.

But there is one communication delivered by the former president that, in the German psyche, takes a predominant place.

That one, which came to symbolize Reagan's Cold War policy, was the famous speech delivered before the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on June 12, 1987.

For it was on that day, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin, that Reagan defied advisers from his own White House, the State Department and the National Security Council, by addressing “Mr. Gorbachev” with four provocative words:.

“Tear down this wall,” he implored his Soviet counterpart.

The West Berliners applauded, just as they had done a sentence before, when Reagan asked the Soviet premier, Mikhail Gorbachev, to “open this gate"

The import of one line – and, indeed, one plucked from a speech full of significance – is debatable. Its symbolism, however, less so. Moreover, the import of Reagan's overall role in the Cold War produces less disagreement than the that of those four words.

Ronald Reagan at the Berlin wall in 1989 Enlarge image Ronald Reagan tearing down the wall during his visit to Berlin in September of 1990. (© Picture Alliance / dpa)

Twenty-nine months after the speech, on November 9, 1989, the gate did open – and the wall did fall.

At Reagan's death, on June 5, 2004, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder wrote the following in a letter to then President George W Bush:

“His commitment to overcoming the East-West conflict and his vision of a free and united Europe helped pave the way for those developments that ultimately enabled Germany also to regain its unity. In Germany therefore the memory of President Reagan will always be revered.”

The Berlin-Hohenschönhausen Memorial, the main detainment facility of the East German secret police (Stasi), and the Allied Museum will jointly host a ceremony this Sunday to honor Reagan and his contribution to overcoming Communism.

At the ceremony, German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg will give a speech in appreciation of the former president.


Open for Suggestions

President Obama and Prime Minister Harper Press Conference

2/4/11: White House Press Briefing

Freitag, 4. Februar 2011

Google Übersetzer: US-Präsident Obamas Reden in Deutsch

Google Übersetzer

Die 47. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz Livestream

Die 47. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz Livestream

München: Lage in Ägypten beschäftigt Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (MSC) - Portal Liberal, FDP -

Guido Westerwelle

(04.02.2011) Die Proteste in Ägypten sind auch Thema der heute (Freitag, 4. Februar 2011) beginnenden Sicherheitskonferenz in München (MSC) .

Bei der Suche nach neuen Führungspersönlichkeiten warnte der Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt, Werner Hoyer (FDP), davor, durch die "euro-zentrierte Brille" zu sehen.

Entscheidend sei, wie die Person in den "Herzen und Köpfen der Ägypter verankert" sei. Außenminister Guido Westerwelle bekräftigte, eine neue Führung sei Sache der Ägypter.

Am Freitag begann  in München die 47. Sicherheitskonferenz (MSC).

An dem alljährlich stattfindenden Treffen nehmen neben dem u.a:

der deutsche Außenminister und Vizekanzler Guido Westerwelle,

auch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU),

der UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki Moon,

die US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton,

Russlands Außenminister Sergej Lawrov


die EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton


Neben den ursprünglichen Themen wie Cyber-Kriege und eine atomwaffenfreie Welt wird die Lage in Ägypten und der arabischen Welt diskutiert.

Staatsminister Werner Hoyer glaubt, dass es für konkrete Lösungsansätze noch zu früh sei.

Im Gespräch mit "" sagte er, dass die Ereignisse in der arabischen Welt "in dieser Deutlichkeit" alle überrascht hätten.

Hoyer ist  gespannt, welche Führungspersönlichkeiten "sich aus diesem Prozess herausschälen". Im Moment gebe es nämlich kaum belastbare Kontakte zu den Oppositionsparteien.

Zwar kenne die westliche Welt den früheren Leiter der internationalen Atomenergiebehörde, Mohammed ElBaradei.

Entscheidend sei aber, "wie sehr eine solche Persönlichkeit in den Herzen und den Köpfen der Ägypter selbst verankert ist. Das können wir von außen relativ schwer beurteilen", gibt Hoyer zu bedenken.

Im Falle eines demokratischen Wandels betonte der Staatsminister die Bereitschaft Deutschlands zur Hilfestellung.

"Alles, was getan werden kann, um einen solchen Prozess zu befördern und zu unterstützen, wird von der Bundesregierung mit Sicherheit getan", so Hoyer.

Es darf nicht der Eindruck entstehen, der Westen steuere die Demokraten

der deutsche Außenminister udn Vizekanzler Guido Westerwelle erneuerte im Interview mit dem "morgenweb" seinen Standpunkt, dass der Übergang "im Dialog in Ägypten" entschieden werden muss.

"Es würde die Demokraten schwächen, wenn der Eindruck entstünde, sie würden vom Westen gesteuert", so der deutsche Außenminister und Vizekanzler Westerwelle.

Gleichzeitig machten die Liberalen in  Deutschland klar:

"Wir unterstützen den demokratischen Wandel, der den inneren und äußeren Frieden achtet.

Dieser Wandel darf nicht irgendwann beginnen, sondern muss jetzt starten." In Ägypten müsse es zu einer demokratischen Entwicklung kommen - zu keiner, bei der am Ende gewaltbereite Extremisten zum Zuge kommen, so Westerwelle.  


Foreign Secretary William Hague : Security and freedom in the cyber age

Security and freedom in the cyber age

04 February 2011
Foreign Secretary William Hague will set out the UK vision of a future cyberspace which upholds freedom and democratic values while protecting citizens.
Foreign Secretary William Hague
The Government highlighted attacks upon UK cyberspace as a priority risk in its National Security Strategypublished in October 2010.

The setting for the Foreign Secetary's speech is the 47th Munich Security Conference on 4 February. The UK delegation will be led by Prime Minister David Cameron.

The issues on this year's agenda include the Euro-Atlantic security policy relations, non-proliferation and disarmament, and global security challenges such as Afghanistan.

British Ambassador to Germany Simon McDonald will also attend, and has written about the conference on the British Embassy website.

Further information

Our priorities - Security

Government launches National Security Strategy

British Embassy in Germany website

Follow us on Twitter: @foreignoffice

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46. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz - Bayern Kanal

Die 47. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Finanzkrise und Cyberwar im Fokus

Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

Video from ARD-Morgenmagazin: Der deutsche Außenminister und Vizekanzler Guido Westerwelle will Demokratisierung in Ägypten begleiten

Der deutsche Außenminister und  Vizekanzler Guido Westerwelle (FDP) hat sich im ARD-Morgenmagazin zurückhaltend zu den Entwicklungen in Ägypten geäußert:

Im ARD-Morgenmagazin sagte der deutsche Außenminister und Vizekanzler Westerwelle:

"'Wer das ägyptische Volk regieren soll, dass muss das ägyptische Volk entscheiden. Wichtig ist für uns, dass wir auf der Seite des demokratischen Prozesses stehen, dass wir auch gestern in Europa klar verabredet haben, dieses Demokratisierung zu unterstützen. Wir wollen allerdings nicht vergessen, dass wir gleichzeitig ein Interesse daran haben, dass dieses Land stabil bleibt".

Quelle: WDR"

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freienblog – Infos für freie Journalisten vom DJV, Berufsverband und Gewerkschaft für freie Journalisten » Ausland News Rundfunk Soziales » Das ausführliche Skript zum Thema Versicherungen bei Auslandseinsatz

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Assistant Secretary Jacob Delivers Message for U.S. Citizens on the Situ...

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Egypt: Updated Public Service Announcement for U.S. Citizens | U.S. Department of State Blog

Woman, evacuated from Egypt, collects luggage outside Larnaca airport, Cyprus, Jan. 31, 2011. [AP]

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / January 31, 2011

Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Janice Jacobs issued an updated Public Service Announcement for U.S. citizens on the situation in Egypt on January 31, 2011. 

She said:

"...I want to take this opportunity to provide an update on actions the State Department is taking to ensure the welfare and safety of U.S. citizens in Egypt.

"Flights have begun carrying U.S citizens to safe havens in Europe where travelers are being met by consular officers who are providing them information they can use to find lodging and make onward travel plans. We have sent more than three dozen additional consular officers to Egypt and to our safe haven locations to assist U.S. citizens. And as is always the case in crisis situations, personnel from throughout our Embassy in Cairo and Embassies in designated safe haven locations are also focusing on assistance to U.S. citizens.

"We have evacuated hundreds of U.S. citizens today, January 31st, aboard several flights. We expect many more to fly out tomorrow and the coming days. We understand that some commercial flights continue to fly in and out of Egypt. U.S. citizens may also wish to take advantage of these flight options. The airport in Cairo is not subject to curfew and will operate 24/7. However, American citizens wishing to be evacuated are advised to avoid traveling to the airport during curfew hours of 3 p.m. to 8 a.m.

"We ask U.S. citizens and their immediate family members to verify that they have valid travel documents before proceeding to the airport. If U.S. citizens lack valid U.S. passports, they should go to the Embassy to be documented for travel. Non-U.S. citizen family members should consult with the appropriate officials from our designated safe haven destinations to ensure that they have required entry documents.

"While we're making every effort to expedite evacuation of U.S. citizens, they should be prepared to wait at the airport. So far, more than 2,500 citizens have contacted us to express their desire to be evacuated, but we know that many more are proceeding directly to the airport without advising us ahead of time.

"More detailed information for U.S. citizens in Egypt can be found on our website, Travel.State.Gov. We're also disseminating this information via email, social media, radio and television. However, we're finding that many U.S. citizens in Egypt are receiving information by landline telephones from their friends and family outside of Egypt. So thank you for helping get these important messages to U.S. citizens in Egypt. Please let them know that their safety and security is our top priority at the Department of State. We evacuated about 16,000 U.S. citizens and their family members from Haiti after the earthquake last year and 15,000 citizens and family members from Lebanon in 2006. You have our promise that we'll continue flights out of Egypt until we've evacuated every citizen who wishes to leave the country."

You can find Assistant Secretary Jacobs' complete remarks here

U.S. citizens who wish to depart Egypt via USG-chartered transportation should contact the U.S. Department of State and Embassy Cairo by sending an email to or by calling 1-202-501-4444. The U.S. Embassy in Cairo has provided these  


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